American Farmhouse Style Magazine

American Farmhouse Style is a leading magazine dedicated to bringing the rustic charm and comfort of farmhouse living into readers' homes. Whether you're in the countryside or the heart of the city, this publication offers a variety of ideas to help you create an inviting, cozy atmosphere.

A standout feature of American Farmhouse Style is its focus on decorating and design ideas centered on the farmhouse aesthetic. Each issue offers room-by-room tours of authentic farmhouses and modern interpretations, providing readers with plenty of inspiration. From vintage to modern, and from rustic to refined, it showcases a wide array of farmhouse styles.

The magazine is also known for its do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. These hands-on activities range from simple crafts to larger home improvement projects. Each DIY feature includes step-by-step instructions, making it accessible to readers of all skill levels. These projects are perfect for readers who enjoy personalizing their spaces and taking an active role in their home's decor.

In addition to interior design, American Farmhouse Style covers outdoor living spaces, with features on garden design, landscaping, and outdoor decor. This aspect of the magazine provides ideas for extending the farmhouse aesthetic to the outdoors, creating a cohesive living environment.

Practical advice is another key aspect of American Farmhouse Style. The magazine offers tips on maintaining and restoring older homes, selecting the right furniture, and using colors and textures effectively. It also includes shopping guides that help readers find products and materials that fit the farmhouse style.

American Farmhouse Style also celebrates the lifestyle and values associated with farmhouse living. It features recipes, highlights seasonal traditions, and shares stories from people who are living the farmhouse lifestyle.