Texas Monthly - January 2024

Texas Monthly Magazine

Texas Monthly is a regional magazine covering all things Texas with a true Lone Star state of mind. It takes on all the latest in big issues like state politics, the environment and education, and of course features the best in the west for food and Texas culture.

They say everything's bigger in Texas, but big as it is, Texas Monthly doesn't miss a beat. Based in Austin for a straight-shooting look at all things Texas, Texas Monthly covers everything from arts and entertainment to politics and industry. And don't expect them to hold back - this magazine is filled with authoritative commentary and an undeniable Texas spirit.

A thoroughly covered - often heated - topic has been barbecue. The magazine's staff has been featuring a true blue barbecue enthusiast since its beginning in 1973, and today has an individual in the prestigious position of barbecue editor. This individual and the Texas Monthly team regularly rank the best of the best of the state's barbecue restaurants. But as any proper Texan knows, Texas is about more than tender, smoky, delicious meat. Among its regular sections are: "Behind the Lines," a monthly editorial outlining the Texas state of mind; "Touts," columns on food, travel, style and the best Texas has to offer; "Texas Monthly Reporter," news briefs on the state's most noteworthy people, places and things; "Dining Guide," respected restaurant reviews; and "Inside Back Page," a little bit of wit and wisdom from The Texanist. Texas Monthly also publishes a variety of special issues, including ones for the holidays as well as the popular annual "Bum Steer Awards," which roasts and jabs Texas politics, peculiar news items and individuals of note.